Sunday 1 August 2010

Music and Food in the 1990's


1990's. The era I grew up as a child, and where the market for prepared foods grew enormously. Chilled ready-prepared meals overtook frozen ones by 1999. As people became more and more busy to not have enough time to cook. But that was never seen in my house. Mum was working on a full time job and the same goes for dad, but food was rarely from a box. It was the total opposite. Fresh food and rice was served everyday. Mum always tried to teach me how to prepare rice. But as a child I was stubborn and just wanted to eat it rather then cooking it. The summer used to stay for atleast a month! and days would linger into the late evenings with the sun still shining. We could  plan are outings knowing it wouldn't rain in the afternoons. I remember this by the smile on everyone's faces. Summer to me was happy times. Picnics, waterfights and birthdays.And everyone's birthdays where in the summer! Birthdays came with barbecues, karaoke time, close friends and family get togethers. My parents used to prepare atleast a day or two before each event. Marinating the meat, with gushes of soya sauce, bay leaves, pepper, brown sugar, salt and not forgetting 7-up! Which back then I used to think was weird. But it produced the best barbecues ever! I guess I developed a taste for things even at the early ages of my life. I was picky and wanted every childs favourites! Ice cream, sweets and full on good food! and coming from an asian background, I loved my noodles! :). So you can say I was on the chubby side :) My dad spoiled with love and attention. Not forgetting the countless times we would go to resturants. Mum would tell him not to spoil me to much, but as a dad and a daughter your relationship has a bound no one can break. And thats what I remember him for.

Music was the energy in our house. Waking up to dad playing the piano was normal, It was a daily rountine for him and became a routine for me too. I would sit down while dad would repeatedly teach me the "do re me fa so la te do" over and over again. Until I can do it with both of my two hands, eyes closed. Music back then was pop hits and "spice girls" covered my bedroom wall. But at heart I always remember the timeless songs, Elvis Presley, The Beetles, and every parents theme love song. Dad would have these songs playing throughout the whole day. Locking it into my small mind. Countless times he would embarass my sister and I with his " La bamba song". But I look back now and think to myself, "he was pretty good!" that song got everyone up and going. As if it was just natural to him. "Dante the entertainer!". I remember my mum would hide away behind the kitchen wall, praying he would not pull her to dance. But of course my dad did exactly that. Thats the thing with my parents. Dad was loud and Mum was quiet. I guess they balanced eachother out. And it worked perfectly..